Respiratory Illness Procedures and Guidelines
Prevention Measures for ILS Students and Campers
The following information will address how Illumination Learning Studio will provide increased safety measures across programming during the COVID-19 pandemic. Safety remains our number one concern for students, staff and the greater whole of our community. All safety measures are subject to change based on future health authority and government recommendations.
Safety Measures at ILS Studios
Mandated ILS Team Vaccinations
Following Seattle Public School and the 2021 State Mandate, all of our team members are fully vaccinated.
Limited Access to ILS Studios
Pick-Up and Drop-Off will occur outside of our studios, where an ILS Staff member will meet families to sign in and health check each student before they are allowed inside. To limit the number of people coming and going from our studios, no parents or adults, other than ILS Staff will be allowed inside.
Specific daily drop-off times will be recommended for our families so that we can minimize lines on the sidewalk during our check-in process. Additionally, it is recommended, whenever possible, for the same parent to drop-off and pick-up each day. Pick-up will also occur outside of our studios, as parents will not be admitted inside.
Enrollment Limits
Our After School Programming is limited to 50 students at ILS Greenwood and 30 students at ILS Ballard.
Camps will be limited to 20 students per studio side at our ILS Greenwood and a maximum of 38 students total per camp. Camps at ILS Ballard will be limited to 29.
Daily Facility Cleaning
In addition to nightly sanitation and cleaning, when students are offsite, our studio’s high-traffic areas (including bathrooms, surfaces, door knobs, tables, supplies, cubbies, etc.) will be cleaned and sanitized.
ILS Van Transport Safety Precautions
ILS van transportation will be used sparingly during our summer camp season, except for small last minute trips (i.e. emergency bathroom needs, etc.) All park visits will be within walking distance of the camp’s studio.
If vans are used, the following procedures will be followed:
• Van surfaces, seatbelts and booster seats will be cleaned and sanitized after each use.
• Students and team members will thoroughly hand-sanitize prior to entering the vans.
• Students will be seated from back to front, skipping seats unless members of the same household.
• Van windows will remain open to allow air flow.
• Student will wear a face covering at all times.
• Students and team members will travel in the same groups, in the same van each time they travel to and from our studios.Health Checks and Surveys (Drop-off Procedure)
It is very important that families make us aware of any symptoms that become present in their child before the beginning of programming or throughout a term or camp. Ahead of camps, an online health survey will be sent to families to be completed the evening before the start date. If your child presents any cold-like symptoms a negative Covid test may be required to return to ILS.
An ILS Staff Member will greet students at the entrance of our Studios. If multiple students arrive at once, families will be instructed to form a line outside, maintaining the recommended 6-foot distancing. Masks worn outside are also encouraged. Our new student health checks will include the following:
1. No-Touch Temperature Check: Any student with a temperature above 100.4 degrees will not be admitted.
2. No Known Exposure Attestation: If the health survey has not been completed before arrival, students and parents will verbally attest to having no known exposure to any persons exhibiting symptoms of illness within the past 14 days. This does not apply to essential workers who have used proper PPE.
3. Symptom Check: With the parent present, verbal confirmation will be given each day by students at the time of entry that they have not had a fever, cough, chills, sore throat, loss of taste, muscle/body aches, nausea/vomiting, congestion, unusual tiredness or shortness of breath in past 3-days.
4. Sanitization: Students will thoroughly hand-sanitize before entering the studio with spray sanitizer provided by our staff.
5. Student Health Log: Student’s temperature readings and parent/student attestation to non-exposure to illness will be recorded in the student’s health log maintained by our team each day.Note: Without exception, any child exhibiting symptoms or complaining of not feeling well, will not be allowed to attend programming. If at any point in the day a child complains of or exhibits symptoms listed in our student health check, they will be isolated from the program and parents will be notified to pick-up immediately.
Daily Staff Health Checks & Required Masks
The same no-contact temperature check and attestation of exposure and symptoms will be recorded for each ILS staff member on a daily basis. All ILS Staff will be required to wear face coverings.
Student Face Coverings Required
All students will be required to wear a face covering while they are at ILS camps, except during lunch and snack time. ILS will not be providing masks (except in emergency situations) and ask that families provide their child with 1-2 clean masks from home each day.
Updated Reapplication and Refund Policies
In accordance with our policies, the non-refundable camp deposit will remain non-refundable in all cases, except when ILS cancels a camp due to state mandated COVID-19 closures. The non-refundable deposit remains due to the limited number of spots we have available in our camps and our need to coordinate enrollments and adequate staffing of our camps.
Parent Q&A for COVID-19 Measures
Should I send my child to camp this school year?
Safety remains our number one concern for students, staff and the greater whole of our community. Families with high-risk individuals living in the home should continue to act cautiously to minimize their family’s exposure to the COVID-19 virus.
With the guidelines we are following, we believe that our kids can safely participate in ILS programming. The safety measures and protocols we are following mirror Seattle Public Schools, and the Seattle and King County Public Health information to minimize the risk of COVID-19 exposure.
What happens if someone is exposed to COVID-19?
If at any point we experience COVID-19 exposure at one of our camp locations, ILS will close for 2-days to disinfect and sanitize, and families will be notified.
A staff member or camper who exhibited signs of suspected or confirmed COVID-19 can return to the program when: At least 10 days have passed since signs first showed up and at least 1 day (24 hours) have passed since recovery – defined as no fever without the use of medications and improvement in respiratory signs like cough and shortness of breath.
Does my student need to wear a mask?
All students will be required to wear a face covering while they are at ILS, per CDC and Washington Department of Health guidance. ILS will not be providing masks (except in emergency situations) and ask that families provide their student a mask from home.
For questions, comments or concerns, please email info@ilskids.com.