Spy Camp Escape Room
Greenwood ILS Campus 7720 Greenwood Ave N. Suite 101, Seattle, United StatesCome to ILS Spy Camp to receive your mission! Campers will learn the history of spies and espionage, while cracking secret codes and messages. After agents are trained, ILS will become a Spy Escape Room where teams will race to find their way out!
Storybook Camp during Winter Break
WA, United StatesWinter Holiday Week 1 - Storybook Camp School’s Closed and We’ve Got You Covered! Take a tour of Nutty Squirrel Gelato, Do Story Writing, Character Writing, Book Illustrations, Story Charades, Puppet Theatre. Bring your wildest imagination to Storybook camp where ILS campers will bring their very own stories to life. Students will learn what makes [...]
Film Camp during Winter Break
WA, United StatesWinter Holiday Week 2 - Film Camp School’s Closed and We’ve Got You Covered! LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! ILS Campers at Film Camp will write, shoot, and star in their own films. Come learn about the history of film, music in film, and participate in all different genres of film from infomercials to comedy. Camp Locations: [...]
Crafters Camp – MLK 2019
WA, United StatesMartin Luther King Jr. Day School’s Closed and We’ve Got You Covered! Crafter’s Camp January 21, 2019 In an era of awesome crafting, students will get hands-on with various craft making projects. This camp is complete with an interactive visit to Ballard's Uphill Design Co. leather shop. Camp Locations: Greenwood: 7720 Greenwood Ave N. Locks: [...]